
Payroll administration is an important part of a business but can be very time consuming and distractful from the core activities of your business, so you can trust us to administer payroll for your business.
EIN Accountancy holds the experience to manage the ask of payroll administration, which has become more difficult by growing complexity of taxation and employment legislation and the accompanying regime of penalties in case of non-compliance.
We can provide following Comprehensive and confidential payroll services:
*Customised payslips
*Administration of PAYE, National Insurance, statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay etc.
* Completion of statutory forms, including year end returns, to issue to your employees and submit to the Inland revenue.
* Summaries and analyses of staff costs.
* administration of incentive schemes, bonuses and ex-gratia and termination payments.
As each business requires to keep its business records, so an extra pressure on business persons while having busy in running and developing business. This can cause distraction in developing your business further, so we can very well assist you in this process….
HM Revenue and Customs are responsible for collecting Tax Revenue, also paying Tax Credits and Child benefits, and strengthening the UK’s frontiers.
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Whether you are a self employed or run a Company, filing Tax returns can be a burdensome activity every year, while fulfilling all other responsibilities of your business. You can count on to us to relieve you from this burden…
Payroll administration is an important part of a business but can be very time consuming and distractful from the core activities of your business, so you can trust us to administer payroll for you…..